Who is Oscar Murillo and why is he a famous artist?

September 6, 2024
22 UNIQLO Tate Play: Oscar Murillo: The flooded garden, at Tate Modern 20 July 2024 – 26 August 2024 © Oli Cowling, Tate Photography
22 UNIQLO Tate Play: Oscar Murillo: The flooded garden, at Tate Modern 20 July 2024 – 26 August 2024 © Oli Cowling, Tate Photography
Oscar Murillo is a Colombian-born contemporary artist, widely known for his dynamic and multidisciplinary approach to art. Born in 1986 in La Paila, Colombia, Murillo moved to London with his family as a child, and it was there that he pursued his artistic education, eventually graduating from the Royal College of Art in 2012.

Artistic Style and Medium of Oscar Murillo

Oscar Murillo is a Colombian contemporary artist known for his diverse, multidisciplinary practice that spans painting, installation, video, sculpture, and performance art. His work is characterized by:
Abstract Expressionism: His large canvases often feature expressive, gestural brushstrokes, graffiti-like text, and chaotic compositions.
Mixed Media: He frequently uses unconventional materials such as fabric, newspaper, dirt, and objects from everyday life, reflecting his interest in labor, community, and globalized economies.
Collaboration and Participation: Murillo involves others in his creative process, such as his project Frequencies, where students from different countries contribute to his works.

Themes and Concepts of Oscar Murillo

Murillo's work often explores complex issues tied to his personal experiences as an immigrant and his observations of global economic, social, and political structures. His major themes include:
Globalization: The interconnectedness of economies, cultures, and people, often expressed through the layering of disparate visual and material references.
Migration and Identity: As an immigrant, Murillo addresses displacement, cross-cultural exchanges, and the impact of movement between geographical spaces.
Labor and Class: His own working-class background influences his interest in manual labor, factory work, and the production of goods in global capitalism.

Notable Projects and Artworks


"Frequencies" Project (2013 - Ongoing):

One of Murillo's most significant long-term projects, Frequencies invites schoolchildren from across the world to draw, mark, and express themselves on blank canvases in their classrooms. The resulting works are a collective reflection on childhood, creativity, and global unity.


"A Mercantile Novel" (2014):

In this installation at David Zwirner Gallery, Murillo recreated a functioning chocolate factory, referencing his Colombian roots and highlighting the globalized nature of production and labor. Workers assembled chocolate bars, calling attention to the exploitation and invisible labor behind such commodities.

"The Institute of Reconciliation" (2019):

Installed at the 58th Venice Biennale, this performance-based work used sound, video, and material objects to explore ideas of reconciliation and social justice in the face of global conflict and inequality.


"Manifestation" Series (2015-Present):

Murillo's large-scale canvases are full of energetic, expressive brushstrokes and layered materials, often reflecting his personal experiences and broader themes of displacement, chaos, and socio-political change.

Exhibitions and Recognition of Oscar Murillo

Turner Prize Nominee (2019): Murillo was one of the four nominees for the prestigious Turner Prize, known for his contribution to contemporary art. In a rare act of unity, all four nominees shared the prize as a collective gesture of solidarity.
Venice Biennale (2015, 2019): He has participated in the Venice Biennale multiple times, one of the most important global exhibitions for contemporary art.
New Museum Triennial (2015): Murillo gained international attention after participating in this important exhibition in New York, showcasing emerging contemporary artists.

Art Market and Collectors of Oscar Murillo 

Oscar Murillo's work quickly gained attention from major collectors and institutions, thanks to its fresh and energetic style combined with critical commentary on global issues. His paintings and installations have been auctioned for significant amounts, sometimes reaching six-figure sums. His rise in the art market has made him one of the leading contemporary artists of his generation.

Awards and Achievements of Oscar Murillo

Turner Prize (2019): As part of the winning collective.
Participated in major international exhibitions including Venice Biennale (2015, 2019), New Museum Triennial (2015), and shows in prestigious galleries such as David Zwirner.

Impact and Legacy

Oscar Murillo is recognized as a key figure in contemporary art for his ability to merge abstract, conceptual, and participatory elements into his practice. His exploration of global issues like migration, labor, and identity—through both aesthetic and political lenses—has resonated with a wide audience, both inside and outside the art world. His projects, such as Frequencies, emphasize art as a communal and interactive experience, breaking down barriers between artist, viewer, and participant.
Murillo continues to push boundaries in terms of material, form, and content, ensuring his relevance in the evolving global art scene.

Key Takeawaysof Oscar Murillo

Name: Oscar Murillo
Born: 1986, La Paila, Colombia
Lives and Works: London, UK, and La Paila, Colombia
Education: Royal College of Art, London, 2012 (Master's in Fine Arts)
Known for: Abstract painting, installations, collaborative projects.
Signature themes: Globalization, migration, labor, class, and cultural exchange.
Major exhibitions: Venice Biennale, Turner Prize, and New Museum Triennial.
Innovative Projects: Frequencies (ongoing collaborative project with children worldwide).
Oscar Murillo is celebrated not only for his dynamic approach to art-making but also for his capacity to engage with significant social and political issues, using art as a means of dialogue and collective reflection.

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