Federico Luger (FL GALLERY) is pleased to present the 3rd solo show by Igor Eskinja (Croatia, 1975). The show also celebrates 11 years of continuous and prolific partnership between the artist and the gallery. Efemeropolis is like a suspended urban labyrinth, large images of 1970s buildings (Rijeka and Paris) printed on lightweight semi-transparent fabrics, fill the room, changing its perception. The photographic material has been taken during the night, when the sun has already set and all the lights inside the houses have been switched off, all the daily activities stopped since long, everybody sleeping. The result, according to the artist will, is a sort of “make believe” city flying during sleep, a magic city which could exist only within our imagination and dreams. The artist work aloud the viewer to go beyond the borders of an architecture that impose on us and limits our sight. The site-specific installation presented at Viale Sabotino 22 is developped from the project with which Igor Eskinja won last month the prestijous prize “T-TH@MSU.HR” granted by The Museum of Contemporary Art of Zagreb; the price is dedicated to the contemporary croatian artists and the jury is composed of Snježana Pintaric, Rainald Schumacher, Marco Scotini, Sandra Vitaljic, Nataša Ivancevic.