Federico Luger art gallery is pleased to announce Nikola Uzunovski’s exhibition , “My Sunshine – Venezia 2009”, an utopian project poised between art and science, hallucination and social concerning, feeling and technology. The artist, once ended the experience at the 53 th Biennale di Venezia, with the macedonian pavilion, is now developing the project of an exhibition-workshop, a research which was born as a work in progress five years ago.

Uzunovski’s work concerns about the damages, both phisycal and psychological, caused by the absence of natural light, which are the focus  point of a wide and deep research, involving astrophysicists, engineers, architects, environmentalists, social analists, invited by the artist himself to carry on the project together, a project whose final purpose is to realize a copy of the sun.

The program is to create copies of the sun, to multiply its image, realizing a big ball made of transparent material, with a mirror of reflective plastic inside and a system to rotate the mirror in order to control the direction of the reflex. If the ball design is quite simple, very hard and complicated is instead the work of people involved in the final event, which should consist in the new prototype taking off. The workshop will go on through a series of meeting and conferences taking place also outside the art gallery, in institutional places.

The workshop will last also during the exhibition, which opens on the 12th of January  and closes on the 18th on February. People will be allowed to participate to the process, which seems to be made for our dreams. 


NIKOLA UZUNOVSKI - Zemun, Belgrado, Serbia, 1979 works and lives between Venezia and Helsinki. In 2007 wins the price vince Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea. In 2008, he partecipates at Greenwashing. Ambiente: Pericoli, Promesse e Perplessità, a group exhibition of artists from alla round the world taking place at Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino. The prototype of My Sunshine was realized by Nikola Uzunovski during his residence at Pollinaria, in Abruzzo, with the related video My sunshine, Campo Imperatore (2008). Personal exhibition Snow at Federico Luger art gallery. He wins the competition VIDEO.it  (2009). Partecipates with My Sunshine, at the 53°Biennale di Venezia, (2009), and always in 2009 he partecipates at two group exhibitions: Qui è altrove, Palazzo De Sanctis Castelbasso (TE). Le Temps de la Fin, at the contemporary art space Tôlerie, Parigi, (2009).