• To ensure equal opportunity for all artists, we kindly request that you submit your work through the form provided. This...

    To ensure equal opportunity for all artists, we kindly request that you submit your work through the form provided. This helps us maintain a fair and inclusive selection process. Thank you for your cooperation!

    Artist Submissions
    Upload a File

    File(s) size limit is 20MB.

    =emailVal.length) { alert('Please enter a valid email address. '); emailFld[i].focus(); return false; } } } return true; } function checkMandatory122449000018927057() { var mndFileds = new Array('Last Name','Email'); var fldLangVal = new Array('Last\x20Name','Email'); for(i=0;i3){ alert('You can upload a maximum of three files at a time.'); return false; } if ('files' in uploadedFiles) { if (uploadedFiles.files.length != 0) { for (var i = 0; i < uploadedFiles.files.length; i ) { var file = uploadedFiles.files[i]; if ('size' in file) { totalFileSize = totalFileSize file.size; } } if(totalFileSize > 20971520){ alert('Total file(s) size should not exceed 20MB.'); return false; } } } return true; } function tooltipShow122449000018927057(el){ var tooltip = el.nextElementSibling; var tooltipDisplay =; if(tooltipDisplay == 'none'){ var allTooltip = document.getElementsByClassName('zcwf_tooltip_over'); for(i=0; i